sábado, outubro 15, 2005

Don't close the window, baby!

Don't close the window, baby!
Keep it coming, honey!
I'm dying. Can't you see?!
I need you honey, you're my solace bee ...

I mean, is your sky
Much higher than mine?
I don't believe, but that's fine,
It's your sky that keeps me high.

Don't believe when others say
That they will love you forever,
Because I love you every day
And when I'll dye I'll love you, more then ever...

There ain't no death that
Can rip my memories, my heart,
Or even your image, I bet.
You're my end and restart.

Don't close the window, baby!

I can still feel your breeze,
Don't close it, please!

" When this curtain touchs my raped skin, I can feel you and your heart, although you never really understood me, i will forever remember the amazing colour of your lips "


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!

7:15 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Best regards from NY! »

3:49 da tarde  

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